16 How to enter Turnovers
  • 18 Jan 2024
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16 How to enter Turnovers

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Article summary

Property Manager may need to track tenants’ turnovers. Turnover tracking feature enables to set up Lease Contract prices based on Turnover.

Use case:

Enter Customer’s Turnovers for the Lease Unit LU00119 for November.

To enter Turnovers you need to:

  • Go to Journals from the Role Center and open Turnover Journal window.


  • Posting date. Enter the date that would be used as the posting date on the Journal line. In this case, we would set 12/01/2021 since we are posting for November.
  • Lease Unit. Select the Lease Unit for which the Turnovers are being entered. In this case, we have Lease Unit LU00119.
  • Lease Contr. No. Select the Lease Contract of a Lease Unit that Turnovers are being entered.
  • Sales Amount. Enter the amount of sales that was collected in the specified Lease Unit for the specified period.
  • Customer number. Enter the number of customers that made any purchase in the Lease Unit for the specified period.
  • Visitors Number. Define the number of visitors that entered the Lease Unit for the specified period.
  • Turnover Period. Set the period that amounts are being entered: day, week, month, quarter or a year.
  • From and To Dates. Enter the starting and ending dates of Turnover Period.
  • Analytical. The turnover amounts could be entered for analytical or adjustment purposes. The system wouldn’t use the Analytical Turnover for calculations, only adjusted ones.


When all the necessary information is entered click Post action button to post new Turnovers' entries.


After the Turnovers' entries are posted, user could review current Lease Unit’s Turnover for a certain period from Lease Unit or Lease Contract card:
• Open Lease Unit/Contract card by search or from menu.
• Go to Navigate, then Contract and click Turnover Entries action button.


• In the Turnover Ledger Entry you can see the information that was entered in the Turnover Journal.


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