6 How to create Service Sales Price
  • 03 May 2024
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6 How to create Service Sales Price

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Article summary

Service sales prices could be prepared in advance or while creating a Lease Contract.

Use case:

Create Service price for a Service ‘RENT’ to a Lease Unit LU0001. Price would be 1.500 fixed amount per month.

  • Open Services Prices by search or from menu.
  • Service price list page will open. Set filters:


  • Specify Service price information:
    • Choose a Type for a price: All Contracts, Building, Contract or Lease Unit. In this case a type of price would be Lease Unit. If a type All Contracts would be chosen the price would be set for all Contracts; if Building – price for a specific Building; and if Contract – for a specific Lease Contract.
    • Specify Sales Code. In this case a Lease Unit number would be specified. If price type was Building then a Building has to be specified; and if the type was Contract – a specific Lease Contract number has to be chosen.
    • Quantity Type. Value of this field could be: Fixed, when a fixed amount for whole Lease Unit per period applies; Area – a fixed amount per sq feet/sq m per period applies; Turnover – if the price is based on sales results (Turnover entries); or Meter – if the price would be according to the usage. In this case, a type Fixed would be selected.
    • Use quantity. This field is used for charges that are calculated based on variable specified in a Lease Contract, e.g., parking spaces. Quantity itself would be defined while creating a Lease Contract on the Lease Contract lines.
    • Service No. This value would be entered automatically if defined in the filters; otherwise choose from the list.
    • 360 Days per Year. If a price is set for a year but the Customer has to be invoiced once per month, this action has to be enabled and the system would calculate equal amounts each month (while creating Service journal lines).
    • Effective Date, Expiration Date. Select Service price terms. These dates not necessarily has to be the same as the starting or ending date of a Lease Contract.
    • Price for Period could be set accordingly: Day, Week, Month, or a Year. This field for the price type Meter should remain empty. In this case, a Month would be chosen.
    • Set a Unit price. In this case, 1.500 would be entered.
    • Comparative Turnover %. If the price is combined as base price and percentage of Turnover, then in this filed the percentage has to be specified. If only a base price applies – leave this field as it is or enter 0.
    • Index price. This field is active by default. It could be unmarked or left as it is – if no further indexation rules would be entered, then action of Price indexing wouldn’t apply. If Price Indexation conditions applies further fields has to be filled in:
      • Price indexing code. Specify price indexing code, e. g. CPI, FIX etc. New indexing codes could be added at any time.
      • Indexing Starting Date. Specify Indexing starting date.
      • Indexing Ending Date. Specify last Indexing date.
      • Indexing Calc. Starting Date. Specify earliest Indexing date.
      • Created New Index Price Line. Leave this field as it is. System would automatically change its value after the indexation would be committed.
      • Min. and Max. Index Values. Specify min. and max. indexing values if applies.


Step price could be also created. If there would be a case that Service price is already known and there are different conditions for each specific period, new price with valid dates has to be entered in separated lines. Price for Period, Price itself and Indexation rules do not have to match for each separated line.

Step price

Step price could be also created. If there would be a case that Service price is already known and there are different conditions for each specific period, new price with valid dates has to be entered in separated lines. Price for Period, Price itself and Indexation rules do not have to match for each separated line.

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