How to update “Incremental Borrowing Rates”
  • 26 Jan 2024
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How to update “Incremental Borrowing Rates”

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Article summary

“Incremental borrowing rates” are used to discount lease cash flow to get PV of lease payments, when there is no interest rate implicit in the lease contract (most likely this is the case). “Incremental borrowing rates” shall be reviewed periodically, but not necessarily monthly. Updated rates apply to new leases entered to the system

The rates do not apply to existing leases

On each subsidiary, go to page “Incremental borrowing rates” and enter a line with updated rate. Minimum fields required – “Value Date” and the rate:


How to fill IBR :
IBR setup can be read from right to left. On right we have rate itself. Going left we have Value Date - Most important filter. If IBR with newer (but lower than workdate/date entered in lease) is found that IBR will be taken.
Next is Lease Term. Different IBR can be applied depending on Lease term or in case of modification to IBR - remaining term.
Next is Category - can be based on Lease Category.
Next we have Lease Currency filter.
And lastly if we have multiple countries in one environment and want to copy/paste Setup we can have it country dependant.

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