  • 16 Jul 2024
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Article summary


1. Collections Worksheet

In collection worksheet an officer sees customers who have debts. Collection officer tracks overdue amounts, overdue days and take actions: make a contact with customer, summarize actions in the systems, records next steps that should be done. Officer can find Open Customer Ledger Entries fact box and Active Contracts fact box for every customer.
Collection Phone Call action brings to Collection Action Card, where a collection officer records actions taken to contact a debtor to arrange collection process.
Contact Card opens a card of a selected contact.
Assign Collection Officer action assigns collection to a selected collection officer.
Show My Collections filters collections worksheet according to a user ID. Only collections that a user is responsible for are left.
Show All Collections filters list so all collections are visible to the user.
Collection Action Log action brings to Collection Action List, where all actions that have been made within a customer are listed.
E-Mail Notifications opens an e-mail notification list for selected customers.


No. Unique number of a contact in the system.
Name. Name of a contact.
Phone No. Phone number of a contact.
E-mail. E-mail of a contact.
Overdue Amount. Amount which is not paid.
Overdue Days. Belated days number.
Last Payment Date. Date when the last payment was made.
Last Payment Amount. Amount of last payment.
Next Installment Date. Date of next installment.
Next Installment Amount. Amount of next installment.
Total Balance Due. Total balance due for a contact.
Number of Contracts. Count of contact contracts.
Collection Officer. Collection officer that is responsible for a contact.
Date of Last Collection Action. Date of last collection action which was made by collection officer.
Description of Last Action. Description of last action which was made by collection officer.
Next Action Date. Date when collection officer must take next action.
Collection Action Due. Flagged if officer should already be taking steps for collection.

2. Collection Action Card

Collection action cards are used to log a collection action to the system.
Create Promise To Pay Letter action creates promise to pay letter according to the provided promise to pay date and promise to pay amount. Then Promise To Pay Letter Created flag is enabled. The document is attached to the corresponding contract.
DD Schedule is used to open a contract direct debit schedule, where a collection officer car insert promise to pay line.
Officer Code. Code of an officer, who is taking the collection action.
Action Template Code. Template code of an action. The available action options are First call or “Collections call”. Select one of given options or create new action template code.
Interaction Type. Type of an actions with a contact. The available type of an action are: call, email, letter and other.
Follow-up Date. Date which alerts that it is time to check a contact again.
Promise to Pay Date. Choose a date at which a contact makes a promise to pay.
Promise to Pay Amount. Amount that a contact made a promise to pay.
Attempt Failed. Check box if a collection officer is not able to reach the contact.
Contact No. Contact number.
Contact Name. Name of a contact.
Phone No. Phone number of a contact.
Asset Description. Description of financed assets.
Contract No. Contract number.
Date. Date when collection officer interacts with a contact.
Time. Time when collection officer interacts with a contact.
Promise to Pay Letter Created. Ticks automatically after Create Promise To Pay Letter action was executed. Can be unticked manually afterwards.
Description. Free text box. Summarize the talk with a contact.

3. Collection Letter Setup

Collection letter setup is used to define the sequence of collection letter generation. Different levels of letters can be setup and the lowest letter level will be generated first. The document that is identified in the Letter Template will be generated automatically when conditions in the fields Min. Arrears Amount and Term From Previous Letter are met. Higher level letters will not be generated automatically without existence of previous level letter, even if the described conditions are met.
Level. Number which shows sequence of actions. Describes numbers of actions which was done by collection officer.
Description. Description of letter.
Use E-Mail Notifications. If flagged, E-mail notifications will be created for collection letters.
E-Mail Notification Template. Select E-mail notification template code for collection letter. This field is editable if Use E-Mail Notifications is flagged.
Letter Template. Select documents template in order to have collection letter template.
Min. Arrears Amount. Lower limit of customer arrears to generate the letter.
Term From Previous Letter. Date formula from previous letter was sent.

4. Email Notification Setup

To send E-mail notifications for collection letters, email notification setup should be completed. For more information on how to use the setup, check User Guide - E-Mail Notifications SL66. If any changes are made to collection letter in this setup, Collection letter setup page will be updated.

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