Contact - Address details
  • 15 Jul 2024
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Contact - Address details

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Contact - Address details

1. Setup

Leasing Setup field Standard Address Input defines how address information will be entered:

If it is set to true, then only standard Address details fields are available on Contact card.

If it set to false, then additional Address details window will be accessible through a contact Address field assist edit button.

2. Address Details – Contact

Address details window is used to enter detailed address information for a contact.
Address Type. Type of business customers’ address, for example, primary, previous, mailing, other.
Property Name/ Sub-unit. Identify property name, sub-unit type and number of a location.
Number. Number of a street.
Street. Name of a street.
Type. Type code of a street.
Post Code. Post code of a business customers location. City and State are populated automatically according to selected Post Code.
Suburb/Town. Suburb or town of a business customer location.
County defines business customer location.
Country/Region Code. Country or region code of a business customer location.
Preview part allows to review the provided address in a structured way. The structured address is rendered in printable documents.
Number Of Years. Number of years customer is located at this address.
Number Of Months. Number of months customer is located at this address.

3. Address Details – Mailing Address

From contact Mailing Address field assist edit button Address details window will be opened with Address Type = Mailing Address

3. Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers window is used to enter several phone numbers for a contact. This window is accessible through a contact Phone No. or Mobile Phone No. field assist edit button.

Type. Type of phone number.
Primary Phone, Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Work Phone, Fax, Work Fax
Phone No. Phone number.
Comments. Additional information.
Editing Phone No. on this page will update corresponding Phone No. field by Type on Contact page, and vice versa, editing Phone No. or Mobile Phone No. on Contact page will update corresponding Phone Numbers record.

4. Emails

Emails window is used to enter several E-Mails for a contact. This window is accessible through a contact Email field assist edit button.

Type. Type of E-Mail.
Primary E-Mail, E-Mail
E-Mail. E-Mail.
Comments. Additional information.
Editing E-Mail of Type = Primary E-Mail on this page will update E-Mail field on Contact page, and vice versa, editing E-Mail on Contact page will update corresponding Email record.

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