  • 15 Jul 2024
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Article summary


1. Purpose

The overall asset financing process begins from a quote creation. A contract cannot be created without a quote.
As not all quotes are transformed to a contract, there are very little limitations on leaving fields blank. You just need the basic information for financial calculations and quote identification purposes: schedule of payment, contact and asset.
Application stage is used as pre-contract stage. To prepare the contract for signing, leasing managers usually have to go through a lot of work: to gather information about the customer, asset and supplier, to evaluate the customers’ ability to repay credit, to check reputation and the legal group’s relations with other current customers, to prepare and approve a credit decision, etc.
Contract core also includes schedule and contract balances calculation functionality.

2. Quote

A Quote is used for making a quotation for asset finance prospects. It is the beginning of the overall financing process.
For convenience purposes users are not required to fill either a contact or an asset card to output a quote. A quote requires originator, contact, asset to finance and financing program information.
When creating a new quote an Automatic Quote No., Status, and Quote Status are generated. The Quote Date field is filled with the current system date.
To continue asset financing process a quote must be validated (Validate Quote). The required information is checked to be entered on validation. Any errors or warnings are listed in the warning log and validation is not carried out.
A user can create application (Create Application action) from validated quote. If a quote is not validated before application creation, it is validated at this step. New identification number is assigned to application. Number series used for quotes and applications are different.
A user can also withdraw a quote (Withdraw Quote). To withdraw a quote, a reason must be provided by the user. Withdrawn quotes can be reinstated by pressing Reinstate Withdrawn Quote. The action updates Status to New, Quote Status and Quote Date to current system date.
Print Quote incorporates Document management functionality. The printed document is automatically attached to the system and can be found in Documents tab (see S4L.DM).
Validate Quote action checks quote financing program consistency with financial product, originator, asset manufacturer, asset model, asset model information.
Only Users with admin permissions can change quotes status manually by choosing Change Status (Admin). Manual status changes violate the consistency of asset financing process.
If a quote is already converted to application a user can navigate to created application by pressing Open Application.
Users can navigate to status history of a quote by pressing Status History. Whenever Status of a quote is changed system fills Status History log.
General Section

Individual/ Business. Determines customer type: individual or business. Different customer information is used for different types.
Lookup existing customer. Provides a list to choose a customer from contact list. If a customer is selected from a lookup list, the system automatically transfers contact details to quote.
Financial Product. Choose the financial product from the list. In general, the system is provided with Financial Lease and Operation Lease. (see more S4L.FP)
Fin. Product Description. Financial product description is filled automatically according to the chosen Financial Product.
Quote No. Unique number of a quote given by the system automatically. Press Ctrl + N to create a new quote. Series for a quote number is set up in Leasing Setup.
Date. Date when quote was created.
Quote Valid Until. Quote validation date is calculated by adding number of valid days to a quote date. The number of valid days is set up for each financial product in Financial Product Setup. The number of valid days can differ for Individual and Business leases.
Status. Informational field of lease status. Each new quote acquires Quote status. In general, a contract can be one of the statuses: Quote, Application, Contract, Closed Contract, and Withdrawn Application.

Customer section tab stores customer details. User needs to input only general information about the customer on quote level.

Fields active only for individual customers:
Title. Title of a customer (used only for individual customers).
First Name. First name of a customer (used only for individual customers).
Surname. Surname of a customer (used only for individual customers).
E-mail. E-mail address of an individual customer.
Phone No. Phone number of an individual customer.
Language Code. Specifies customer language.
Privacy Consent. Customer consents to access their private information.
Marketing Consent. Customer consents to receiving commercial information from the company.

If Customer type is Business, user needs to input customer Legal From. Legal from type defines which customer related fields are visible on quote and on application card. Basically, there are three general legal types: Company, Partnership, Sole Trader.

Fields active only for business customers, legal form type - Company:
Name. Name of a business customer.
E-mail. E-mail address of an individual customer.
Phone No. Phone number of an individual customer.
Language Code. Specifies customer language.
Privacy Consent. Customer consents to access their private information.
Marketing Consent. Customer consents to receiving commercial information from the company.
Note: For Sole Trader or Partnership legal from type individual fields are applicable.

Applicants section determines responsible quote applicants. Primary applicant is inserted automatically according to quote customer. Individual applicants must provide their income, expenditures and employment information.


Assets section stores asset to be financed details. User can input asset model, category, make, model year, new/ used asset, purchase price, residual value %, residual value amount, mileage limit.
To add more assets user needs to click “Add More Assets” link to open asset list page. Any accessories to be financed can be reached through this tab.
New / Used Asset. The field is filled in automatically according to originator preferences. It can be modified to define financed asset is new or used. Quote cannot be validated without empty New/ Used Asset field. The field is also utilized as dimension value.


Financing section describes the conditions about financing program and schedule. To validate quote, financing term, payment frequency, and interest must be specified. A user can navigate to Finance Details – Schedule, Insurances, Services and Guarantees through Financing tab.


Originator/Supplier tab
Originator No., Name. Number of quote originator chosen from originator list. Originator Name can be chosen according to Originator No. Originator is automatically assigned as a supplier. In the system, Originator No. is also used as dimension.
Supplier No., Supplier Name. Supplier can also be chosen from contact list. Supplier name is filled in according to Supplier No.
Supplier Salesperson No., Supplier Salesperson Name. Supplier salesperson can be chosen from supplier contact person list. Supplier Salesperson name is filled in automatically after Supplier Salesperson No. is validated.
Originator Salesperson, Name. Originator Salesperson is chosen from contact person list. Salesperson No., Name are transferred from contact card.
Lessor Officer, Name. Lessor officer is chosen from salesperson list. Officer No., Name are transferred from salesperson card.
Documents section stores information about printed or imported quote documents (S4L.DM module).

Quote List window contains active quotes processed within the system.
Archived Quotes window contains non active quotes created within the system, this includes converted and withdrawn quotes. The user can Reinstate Withdrawn Quote or Open Application of a converted quote. Status logs can be navigated through Status History.

3. Application

Leasing process continues with Application (pre-Contract) stage. An application cannot be created without a quote.
Validate Application action runs application data completeness check and indicates missing fields on application.
Submit for Approval starts an application assessment workflow (S4L.APP). Application assessment aims to evaluate customers’ ability to repay credit and to provide application with a credit decision. If an application is not validated before submission, it is validated at this step. Approved application can be opened for resubmission to make application adjustments by pressing Open for Resubmit.
A user can also withdraw (Withdraw) an application. Withdrawn quotes can be reinstated by pressing Reinstate Withdrawn.
User can Print Documents. Printed documents are managed by Document Management functionality.
User can create purchase order by clicking Create PO action and selecting Assets to be included in the purchase order. The action is visible for Applications where Financial Product Asset Acquisition Method is Via PO (independent of lease activation) and Application Status is in between Min Contract Status for Purch. and Disbursement and Max Contract Status for Purch. and Disbursement.
Submit for Settlement action is enabled after an application is approved. The action activates contract compliance workflow. Once a contract is submitted for settlement it cannot be modified or printed. A user can Open for re-print to add additional information, make modifications or print the contract.
Customer Financial Statement navigates to customer financial statements list related to an application.
Start Workflow opens a list of workflow templates for a selection of a workflow to start. Workflow History navigates a user to all active and completed or canceled workflows related to an application
To continue asset financing process an application must be validated (Validate Application). The required information for financing is checked on validation.

General section

Application No. - Unique number of an application given by the system automatically after making an application from a quote.
Date. The date of contract creation. Inserted automatically by S4L.
Active Workflows. Summary of active workflows related to the application.
Status. Informational field of application status.
Quote No. Number of a quote that has been used to create the application.
Credit Line No. Number of a Credit Line that application finances belongs to, if there is one.
Credit Line Phase No. Number of a Credit Line Phase that application financed belongs to, if there is one.
Refinance from Contr. No. Number of a Contract which is being refinanced on current application, if there is one.
Financial Product. The chosen financial product.
Fin. Product Description. This field is filled automatically by S4L, according to the chosen financial product.
Contract Currency. Defines currency for the contract. This field is filled automatically by S4L, according to the chosen financial product.
Currency Factor. Defines exchange rate between contract currency and default currency. This field is filled automatically by S4L, according to the chosen financial product.
New / Used Asset. Definition of a lease asset be new or used.
Dates section contains three dates that might be required to record in the system.
On Application Stage user must input full customer details.

Fields active only for individual customers:

Title. Title of a customer (used only for individual customers).
First Name. First name of a customer (used only for individual customers).
Middle Name. Middle name of a customer (used only for individual customers).
Surname. Surname of a customer (used only for individual customers).
Personal Details
Gender. Gender of an individual customer.
Birth Date. Birth date of an individual customer.
Marital Status. Marital status of an individual customer. The status can be single, married, divorced, widowed, de facto or separated.
Driver’s License No. Identification number of an individual customer. The list of customer related identification documents is accessed with a help of Assist Edit. Available options for document type are Passport, ID Card, Driver’s License, Social Security Card.
Nationality of the primary customer.

Fields active only for business customers, legal from type - company:
Business details

Name. Name of a business customer.
Trading Name. Trading name of a business customer.
Industry Group. Industry group of a business customer.
Industry group descr. Industry group description of a business customer. The field is filled in automatically according to selected industry group.
Nature of Business. Free text field to describe business nature.
No. of Employees. Number of employees.
Registration No. Registration No. of a business customer.
Contact Person. Contact person details.

Note: For Sole Trader or Partnership legal form type individual fields are applicable, together with Registration No., Industry Group and Nature of Business.

For all type customers User must input address details.
Current residence address (permanent)
Address. Address 2. Address of a customer. Consists of a property or suite name and street address information. Address details can also be edited by choosing lookup for address field.
Post Code. Post code of a customer address.
Suburb/Town. Suburb or town of a customer address.
State. State of a customer address.
Country/ Region Code. Country or region code of a customer address.
Residential Status. Status of the residence (Boarding, Buying, Owner, Renting)
Permanent Address. Specifies if address is permanent.
PEP indicates if customer is politically exposed.
Privacy Consent indicates if leasing company can query external databases for a customer’s details.
Privacy Consent Expiration Date indicates when privacy consent expires.
Marketing Consent indicates and ability to send marketing information for a customer.
Marketing Consent Expiration Date indicates when marketing consent expires.

Applicants tab determines responsible application applicants.

Asset section lists assets to be financed.

Financing section describes the conditions about financing program and schedule.

Credit Decisions. Submit application and select credit decision level (competence). A credit decision can be made automatically or manually after an application is submitted (it depends on the company business process). After business rules have been reviewed, a credit decision can be: referred, approved, approved with modifications, re-appraisal rejected, or withdrawn.

Approval Conditions lists approval checklist to verify before contract activation. Get From Setup action automatically populates a contract with predefined conditions.
Documents tab allows a user to access the application document printed and imported attachments..

Originator/ Supplier section contains Originator, Originator Salesperson, Lessor Officer and Asset Supplier information and contact details.

Application List window contains active applications processed within the system.

Application List – Withdrawn window contains withdrawn applications created within the system. The user can Reinstate Withdrawn application.

4. Active Contract

Active contract includes schedule details, collections, balances, information about applicants, financed assets and attached documents, workflows. All these related parts can be viewed or accessed through contract card.
Pay-Out Quote is used to quote a contract payout. The quoted payout details can be viewed in balances tab.
Contract valid schedule details can be accessed with Installment Schedule. DD schedule is accessed with DD Schedule. DD Schedule management refers to S4L.DD module.
A user can also navigate to general ledger entries (General Ledger per Contract), customer ledger entries (Customer Ledger per Contract) and vendor ledger entries (Vendor Ledger per Contract) from a contract card. GL summary is used to check balances of GL accounts related to a contract.
A user can navigate to contract related activity logs: Collection Action Log, Workflow History, Status History, Pay-out Quotation History, Monitoring Log.
Schedule related functions are Defer Instalments, Reschedule, Bring Arrear to Future. All these functions validate a new schedule of instalments that differs from the old version of schedule.
Active contracts can be processed to Shortfall or Write-off.
The list of available documents can be printed and attached to the contract via Documents.


General Section

Contract No. - Unique number of a contract that is transferred from application.
Contract Date. The date of contract creation inserted automatically by S4L.
Financial Product. The chosen financial product.
Contract Currency. Currency of a contract. Is filled automatically according to the chosen Financial Product and can be specified in Financial Product Setup.
Currency Factor. Currency factor of selected Contract Currency. Is filled automatically with currency rate for current day when validating Contract Currency.
New / Used Asset. Definition of a lease asset be new or used.
Status. Informational field of a contract status.
Active Workflows. Summary of active workflows related to a contract.
Customer No. Contract customer number. Allows to lookup contact card.
Prime Applicant. Structured information about prime applicant. Allows lookup to an applicant card.
Address of PrimeAppl. Structured information about primal applicant address. Allows lookup to address details.
Instalments. Structures information about contract schedule. Allows lookup to a schedule card.
Commission. Structured information about commissions. Allows lookup to a schedule card.
Subvention. Structured information about subventions. Allows lookup to a schedule card.
Originator. Structured information about a contract’s originator. Allows lookup to an originator card.
Variations. Structured information about variations. Allows lookup to a schedule card.
Credit Line No. Shows information to which credit line a contract is assigned.

Collections Section

Collection Officer. Assign officer that is responsible for collections. Is used when printing collection letters and in collection worksheet.
Monitoring Flags. Structured information about any monitoring logs related to a contract.
Flag Date. Last date of monitoring logs.
Flag Note. Last note of monitoring notes.
Refinanced to Contr. No. Number of contract it was refinanced to.
Refinanced from Contr No. Number of contract it was refinanced from.

Customer Arrears. Customer outstanding balance as of work date for a contract.
Overdue Days. Customer overdue days for a contract.
Overdue Bucket. Additional field to group contracts that has overdue.
Penalty interest %. Penalty interestrate.
Earliest Penalty Interest Calculation Date. Use this field to override penalty interest calculation starting date found on customer ledger entries.

Collection Letters
Don’t send Collection Letters. Click toggle switch to suspend automatic collection letters creation.
Next Letter Date, Next Letter, Next Letter Level. According to a customer overdue days or last letter date and collection letter setup the system selects next collection letter date, level and type. Next letter date and level can be changed manually.
Last Letter Date, Last Letter. Last collection letter date and letter type.
Amount To Refund – indicates customer overpayment.
Refund Pending – indicates if refund is in progress.

Funded. Ticked if a contract is funded.
Unfunded. Ticked if a contract is unfunded.
Funder. Provide a funder for a contract. Funds can be batched according to the provided funder. When contract is funded, funder field is no longer editable.
Funder Ref. No. Enter funder reference number, free text field.
Date Funded. Posting date of funding.
Date Un-funded. Posting date of un-funding.
Funding Batch No. Posted funding batch number, that a contract was funded.
Book Value (Funding). Book value that was used to fund.
Sales price (Funding). Sales price that was used to fund.
Term Sold (Funding). Contract term sold to Funder.
Rate (Funding). Funder interest rate.


Balances section

G/L Balances per Contract
Amount Financed. Financed amount within a contract.
Gross Receivable. Gross Receivable amount within a contract.
Unearned Interest. Unearned interest amount within a contract.
Net Receivable. Net Receivable amount within a contract.

Accrued Interest
Accrued Financing Interest. Accrued financing interest amount.
Accrued Penalty Interest. Accrued penalty interest amount.
Accrued Total Interest. Accrued total interest amount.

Current Receivables
Customer Credit. Customer credit amount within a contract.
Customer Arrears. Customer arrears(debit) amount within a contract.
Overdue Days. Customer overdue days for a contract.
Last Payment Date, Last Payment Amt. Last posted payment date and amount.
Next Instalment Date, Next Instalment Amt. Next instalment date and amount.
Next DD Date, Next DD Amount. Next direct debit date and amount.

Current Pay-out Figure. Pay-out figure for a work date.
Arrear (+)/ Credit (-). Customer balance for a work date.
Pay-Out TOTAL TO PAY. Total payout amount, depending on customer balance.
Pay-Out Figure Valid Until. Pay-out figure expiration date.
Pay-Out Quoted Date, Pay-Out Quoted Amt. Pay-out quote issue date and amount.
Pay-Out Quote Valid. Indicates if current pay-out quote is validated.

Term of the Loan
Term (months). Number of total monthly payments.
Expiration Date. Date of contract expiration.
First Instalment Date, Last Instalment Date. Dates of first and last instalments.
Number of Instalments. Number of total instalments.
Instalments Past, Instalments Future. Number of previous and future instalments.
Months Past, Month Future. Number of previous and future monthly payments.

Financing section contains the list of old, new and valid contract schedules.

Applicants section determines responsible quote applicants. Primary applicant is inserted automatically according to quote customer. Individual applicants must provide their income, expenditures and employment information.

Assets section contains a list of assets to be financed. The required information about assets for a quote to be validated are asset group, manufacturer, asset category, model year, and new/ used asset. Any accessories to be financed can be reached through this tab.


Documents tab allows a user to access the application document printed and imported attachments.

Payment method/ Direct Debit section is used to setup payment information for a contract.
Payment method code. Identifies payments method for a contract.
Direct Debit
Name of Account, Account Number, Bank, Bank Branch No. fields are provided for DD payments.

Originator/ Supplier section contains Originator, Originator Salesperson, Lessor Officer and Asset Supplier information and contact details.
Contract list window contains the list of all active contracts.
Contract Archive window contains the list of all closed contracts.

5. Schedule

In general contract schedule consists of the following: financed amount components, program details, upfront fees and installments.
Schedule card is used to enter and modify financing amounts and program conditions for applications, and to review financing contract details for contracts.
A user can navigate to DD Schedule, Insurance, Services, Guarantees and Options from Schedule card.


Amounts section

Financed Amount
Asset Price. Total assets purchase price, listed per contract.
Options. Total Bolt-ons and accessories purchase price, listed per contract.
Insurance Financed. Total amount if insurances to be financed. Use assist edit to add/remove insurances.
Maintenance Financed. Total amount if maintenances to be financed. Use assist edit to add/remove maintenances.
Establishment Fee (Financed). Enter or modify Establishment fee that is included to financed amount. By default, program fee is included automatically.
Supplier Deposit. Enter supplier deposit amount.
Trade-in Asset Value. Enter trade-in asset value.
Refinance pay-out. Enter refinance pay-out amount.
Downpayment %. Enter downpayment amount. After validation downpayment percentage value is calculated and displayed beside field caption.
SUBTOTAL. The subtotal of financed amount.
Stamp Duty. Calculated stamp duty amount according to stamp duty setup (S4L.FP granule).
Originator Establishment Fee. Enter or modify financed originator fee. By default, originator fee is calculated from originator fee matrix (S4L.ORIG module).
Brokerage. Calculated from Subtotal amount based on base brokerage %. It can be adjusted manually.
TOTAL. Total amount to finance.

Interest APR, Installment Amount. Enter financing interest percentage. By default, interest percentage is populated from interest components setup (S4L.PRG module). Interest amount is calculated automatically for interest percentage value.

Residual Value %, Residual Value. Enter residual percentage or amount value. Each of the values are recalculated depending on the entered value.

Upfront Fees
Establishment Fee (Upfront). Enter establishment fee that is not included to financed amount.
Insurance (Upfront). Enter insurance fee that is not included to financed amount.
Services (Upfront). Enter services fee that is not included to financed amount.
Brokerage (Upfront). Enter brokerage amount that is not included to financed amount. By default, brokerage amount is calculated according to originator preferences and commission schema.
Originator Establishment Fee (Upfront). Enter or modify originator fee. By default, originator fee is calculated from originator fee matrix (S4L.ORIG module).
Total Upfront Fees. The total amount of upfront fees.

Installment Fees
Installment Fee value appears on a Schedule Line field Installment Fees. If amounts on schedule are displayed excluding VAT then VAT is added in Schedule Line and Originator Fee VAT Group rate is used.

Pro-rata displays Pro-rata interest calculated if pro-rata calculation is enabled on Financial Product. Pro-rata interest is calculated for the period between Schedule Starting Date and Activation Date – 1.

Program, Program Name. Financing program code and name. Default program term and frequency are update for a contract.
Term. Enter financing term from available program terms.
Frequency. Enter financing frequency from available program frequencies.
Term (months). System calculated monthly terms.
Number of Extra Adv. Payments and Profile Type is used only for TValue based calculations.
Number of Installments. System calculated number of installments.
Installments Due. Option of In Arrears or In Advance installments due type.
Annuity/Linear defines schedule calculation method.
Starting Date displays schedule starting date (date to start interest calculation).
Amounts Including VAT is a very important flag. When switched off all amounts on a Schedule are shown excluding VAT except when clearly stated in the field caption that VAT is included. Also Asset Purchase Price including VAT is financed when switch is enabled.
Manual Inertia Amount. After contract term is due it is possible to manually enter inertia amount. Otherwise, normal installment will be calculated. Valid only in Operating Lease.

Instalments Section

Installments section fields set depends on financial product.
Maximum field set:
Entry Type. Schedule payments of type Installment, Early buy-out and Shortfall are available.
Period. Payment period number.
Invoiced. An identifier that the payment has been invoiced.
Date. Payment due date.
Freeze. Identifies if installment was freeze or manually adjusted.
Installment ex VAT (Manual). Manual Installment Amount (used for irregular payments).
Outstanding Amount ex. Vat. Outstanding ex. VAT contract amount for a due date.
Principal Amount ex. Vat. Part of a monthly payment ex. VAT to reduce the outstanding balance of a due date.
Interest Amount ex. Vat. Part of a monthly payment ex. VAT to reduce the outstanding balance of a due date.
Rental Amount ex. Vat. Part of pure lease payment in monthly payment ex. VAT, visible on Operating Lease.
Service Amount ex. Vat. Part of service in monthly payment ex. VAT, visible on Lease having services included in monthly installment.
Admin Fee ex. VAT. Part of admin fee in monthly payment ex. VAT, visible on Lease having admin fee included in monthly installment.
Installment ex VAT. Total of a monthly payment ex. VAT for a contract.
VAT. Total of taxes in a monthly payment for a contract.
Installment. Total of a monthly payment for a contract.
Outstanding Amount After Repayment. Outstanding ex. VAT amount after payment.

Commission / Subvention Section

Commission Schema. Code of Commission Schema. Transferred from contact card of dealer or broker if specified.
Commission Amount (LCY). Commission amount. Calculated depending on Commission Schema setup.
Pay Commission To. Receiver of commission. Transferred from contact card of dealer or broker if specified.
Pay Commission To (name). Name of receiver of commission.
Commissions Invoiced. Indicates if commissions were invoiced to introducer.
Commission Claw Back Invoiced. Indicates if commissions were claw backed from introducer.
Subsidy Amount (LCY). Subvention amount calculated.
Subvented by and Subvented by (name) shows subsidy payer number and name.
Subvetion Invoiced. Indicates if commissions were invoiced to distributor.

Reconcile Section


As disclosed on Customer Contract
Amount Financed. Financed amount within a contract.
Term Charges. Term charges amount for a contract.
Unguaranteed Residual Value: residual value on operating lease.
Total Receivable. Total receivable amount (total of instalments).

Base for instalment calc
Capital Amount (includes fees and brokerage). Capital amount within a contract.
Downpayment. Downpayment amount.
Amount Financed (base for installment). Total amount financed within a contract.
Total Interest. Total interest within a contract.
Unguaranteed Residual Value: residual value on operating lease.
Brokerage. Brokerage amount.
Originator fee. Originator fee amount included in amount financed.
Reconcile. Reconciliation amount.

How to: Create a Valid Quote

Open Quotes from Role Center press New to create a new Quote. A new Quote card opens, with Quote No., Quote validation date, Status and default Financial Product fields filled in automatically.
For this contract, leave Finance Lease as Financial Product.
Select Originator No. 1003. Originator details are then filled in automatically, also, Originator is used as an Asset Supplier automatically by the system.
Select Originator Salesperson from Originator Salespersons list. Lessor Officer is filled by the system with current user defined officer information.
In General tab select a customer from a list or create a new customer in Customer tab. In this case select Business type customer. Use Lookup existing customer and choose 20001 Food Mart Ltd. customer. All customer related details are transferred from contacts to a quote.
Food Mart Ltd. Is included to applicant s list as a primary applicant by the system.
Note: For individual customer’s income, expenditure and employment information must be filled in before contract activation.

Select asset to be financed in an Asset tab. Manufacturer of an asset is filled in by the system according to Dealer Preferences. Select Asset model. Asset related information is filled in according to selected model. If necessary, modify asset price or residual value (for operating lease), add more assets or any accessories.
On Financing tab select finance Program that is suggested according to Dealer Preferences, select STD. Financing details: term, frequency, and interest are filled in by selected program details.
Add any Insurances, Services or Guarantees to financing details.
Enter Downpayment rate 30 %, financing amounts are recalculated.
Press AssistEdit on MONTHLY Installment field to review or modify schedule details.
Validate and Print Quote. Import any relevant documents that customer provides for asset financing.
Press Create Application. Message with created applications number appears. Also, created application card opens. You can now manage create application and proceed to activation.

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