Dealer Web Access
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Dealer Web Access

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Dealer/Broker web access

1. Purpose

Dealer/ Broker web access utilization aims to provide limited access to the system for credit application introductions. Module includes web role center, Quote and Application pages for “Sale Portal”.

2. Dealer Role Center

Dealer Role center is created to provide access for all brokers in an easy and a quick way. Dealer would see records filtered by single (current) Originator (aka Dealership), and messages filtered by all linked originators.
In case person linked to multiple originators, Select Dealership (and refresh browser) to work on behalf of specific originator:
Dealer Messages are for communication between Dealer and Back-office (not meant for any other communications) regarding specific Application only. From represents person who created the message (by user ID, NOT by salesperson on application or owner of the workflow task). To is a salesperson on application, when message sent from back-office, or just Back-Office (not particular person or team) if message sent from Dealer. The only editable field is the message is text itself.


A Quote is used for making a proposal for asset finance prospects. It is the beginning of the overall financing process.
For a simpler process users are not required to fill either a contact or an asset card to output a quote. Quote requires financial product, originator, contact details, asset to finance and financing program information.
The process starts by selecting financial product. Quote number is assigned automatically, and Quote record is inserted. Quote Date field is filled with the current system date and initial Status is assigned by the system.
When all necessary data input is complete user can click action Print Quote to produce Quote printout. Behind the scenes this action has two steps:

  • Quote Data verification. System checks if all mandatory information is captured on the Quote and shows the list of errors if something is missing.

  • Quote printout template is selected, and document is generated by injecting data from the system into the template. Note: All printouts are stored in the system and can be reviewed or re-printed later.

User can create application as well by clicking the action Create Application. Data is verified again and if no issues are detected then new Application is created by copying all data from the quote. After Application creation the Quote is moved into Converted Quotes archive automatically.
User can also withdraw a Quote with action Withdraw Quote. To withdraw a quote a reason must be provided by the user. Withdrawn quotes can be reinstated in Withdrawn Quotes list by clicking Reinstate Withdrawn Quote action. This action updates Status back to New and Quote Date is set to current system date.

General Section
Financial Product. Choose the financial product from the list of configured products.
Individual/Business determines customer type: individual or business. Different customer information is required to capture based on this field value.
Lookup existing customer. Allows to choose a returning customer from the list. If a customer is selected the system automatically transfers contact details to Quote. Note: only current user Originator’s customers are shown on the list but not all available customers in the system.
Quote No. Unique number of assigned by the system automatically. Number of series for a Quote number is configured in Leasing Setup.
Date. The date of quote creation which is filled with the current system date automatically.
Quote Valid Until. Quote expiration date is calculated by adding number of configured days to a Quote date. The number of days is configured for each financial product in Financial Product Setup. The number of valid days can differ for Individual and Business leases.
Status. Every new Quote gets initial Quote status which is updated by the system when certain actions are completed (i.e., Quote is printed, converted to Application, or withdrawn).

Customer Section
Customer Section tab stores customer details. On Quote stage user needs to input only general information about the customer.
Fields active only for individual customers:
Title of a customer (used only for individual customers).
First Name of a customer (used only for individual customers).
Surname of a customer (used only for individual customers).
E-mail address of an individual customer.
Phone No. of an individual customer.
Privacy Consent indicates if leasing company can query external databases for a customer’s details.
Marketing Consent indicates an ability to send marketing information for a customer by leasing company.

If Customer type is Business, user needs to input customer Legal From. Legal form type defines which customer related fields are visible on Quote and on Application card. There are three general legal types: Company, Partnership, Sole Trader.

Fields active only for business customers, legal form type - Company:
Name. Name of a business customer.
E-mail. E-mail address of a business customer.
Phone No. Phone number of a business customer.
Note: For Sole Trader or Partnership legal form type individual fields are applicable as well.

Asset Section
Asset section stores asset to be financed details. User can input or select asset model, category, brand, model year, new/ used asset, purchase price, residual value %, residual value amount, mileage limit.
To add more assets user must click “Add More Assets” link to open asset list page. Any accessories to be financed can be reached through this tab as well.
Model Lookup opens the list of models to choose from. If an asset model is selected from a lookup list, the system automatically transfers asset details to Quote.
Asset Category. Category of assets.
Asset Description. Asset description field.
New or Used. Select if Asset is new or used.
Purchase Price. Price of purchase.
Residual %. The future value of the asset in terms of absolute value in monetary terms calculated into a percentage.
Residual Value. The future value of a good in terms of absolute value in monetary terms.
Mileage Limit (km/year). Mileage limit per year.

Finance Details Section
Financing section contains financing conditions. Valid Quote must have financing term, payment frequency, and interest specified. By clicking assist edit button on the field Financed Amount user can access finance details: Installment Schedule, Insurances, Services and Guarantees.

Applicants Section
Applicants section allows to input addition Quote’s applicants because Primary applicant is inserted automatically and corresponds to Quote’s customer. Individual applicants usually will need to provide their income, expenditures, and employment information. Normally applicants are not captured on the Quote stage and are required later for Application only.

Originator/Supplier Section
Originator No., Name. Originator No. is assigned automatically by the system and user can’t change it. Originator is automatically assigned as supplier as well if Originator is a dealer.
Supplier No., Supplier Name. Supplier can also be picked from existing suppliers list. Fill in Supplier Name if this is a new Supplier.
Supplier Salesperson No., Supplier Salesperson Name. Supplier salesperson can be chosen from Supplier’s contact person list. Supplier Salesperson name is filled in automatically when Supplier Salesperson No. is entered.
Originator Salesperson, Name. Originator Salesperson is applied automatically when a new Quote is created but user can assign another salesperson.

4. Application

Leasing process continues with Application (pre-Contract) stage. In some scenarios leasing process can start by creating Application directly. It is managed by Leasing Setup “Lease process starts with” field value which has three possible options: Quote, Application, Quote or Application.
Validate Application. To submit Application for credit assessment mandatory data must be validated. Any errors or warnings are displayed in the Warning Log pop-up window. In case the validation succeeds the Application status is updated automatically.
Submit for Approval verifies if all mandatory data is captured (system runs Validate Application automatically), runs Score Card and Decision Tree rules if they are configured in the systems. If automated decision to finance or decline Application financing is not possible then system creates Application assessment workflow and changes Application status to referred. Back-office users work on Application Assessment tasks and approves or decline the Application.
Print Documents allows to select document templates from the list of pre-configured templates and generate the documents. Generated document is automatically attached to Application and can be found in Documents tab.
Open for Resubmit changes already approved Application status to re-submission and unlocks for modification if you need to adjust Application after it is approved.
Withdraw. User can withdraw the Application at any point of time if Application must be canceled. Withdrawn Application can be re-instated in the Withdrawn Applications list by clicking Reinstate Withdrawn action.
Submit for Settlement action creates contract compliance task for back-office. It is enabled only after the Application is approved. Once a contract is submitted for settlement it cannot be modified or printed. User can use action Open for Doc. Re-Submit to adjust information and re-print the contract documents if required.

General Section

Application No. Unique number of the Application assigned by the system automatically. It will become a Contract number as well when Application is activated by back-office.
Date. The date of Application creation. This field is populated with the current system date.
Status. Informational field of Application status.
Messages. Number of messages between Dealer and Back-Office. Click Assist Edit button on the field to review messages.
Financial Product. One of the available financial products must be chosen.
Fin. Product Description. This field is filled automatically by the system, according to the chosen financial product.
New / Used Asset. Specifies if Asset is New or Used.

Customer section
On Application user must capture customer details.
Fields active only for individual customers:
Individual/Business. Determines customer type: individual or business. Different customer information is required to capture based on this field value.
Looking existing customer. Allows to choose a returning customer from the list. If a customer is selected the system automatically transfers contact details to Application. Note: only current user Originator’s customers are shown on the list but not all available customers in the system
Title. Title of the individual customer.
First Name. First name of the individual customer.
Surname. Surname of the individual customer.
Middle Name. Middle name of the individual customer.
ID Document No. Identification number of the individual customer. The list of customer related identification documents is accessed by clicking Assist Edit button on the field. Current available options for document type are: Passport, ID Card, Driver’s License, Social Security Card.
Nationality of the primary customer.
Residential Status. Status of the residence: Boarding, Buying, Owner, Renting.
Permanent Resident. Specifies if customer is a permanent resident in the country.

Fields active only for business customers, legal form type - company:
Legal Form. It is a legal form of business customer. Choose one of the available legal options from the list
Name. Name of a business customer.
Trading Name. Trading name of a business customer.
Industry Group. Industry group of a business customer.
Industry group descr. Industry group description of a business customer. The field is filled in automatically according to selected industry group.
Nature of Business. Free text field to describe business nature.
Registration No. Registration No. in country’s register of the business customer.
Contact Person. Contact person details.

Note: For Sole Trader or Partnership legal form type individual fields are applicable, together with Registration No., Industry Group and Nature of Business.

For all type customers user must populate the following fields:

Address. Address 2. Address of the customer. Consists of a property or suite name and street address information. Address details can be edited by clicking Assist Edit button on the Address field.
Post Code. Post code of the customer address.
Suburb/Town. Suburb or town of the customer address.
Country/ Region Code. Country or region code of the customer address.
E-mail. E-mail address of the customer.
Phone No. Phone number of the customer.
Payment Method Code. Code of preferred payment method.
Account Number. Customers bank account number field is visible only when Direct Debit payment method is selected.
Bank. Customer’s bank name field is visible only if Direct Debit payment method is selected.

Applicants Section
Applicants tab determines responsible application applicants.

Asset section
Asset section shows the assets to be financed.

Model. Input or select model from the asset model list. If an asset model is selected the system automatically transfers model details to Asset.
New or Used. Defines if asset is New or Used.
VAT Group. Select purchase VAT Group for the Asset.
Price. Purchase price including VAT.
Price (Excl. VAT). Purchase price excluding VAT.
Residual %. The future value of the asset in terms of absolute value in monetary terms calculated into a percentage.
Residual Value. The future value of the Asset in terms of absolute value in monetary terms.
Residual Value (Excl. VAT). Residual Value in monetary terms excluding VAT.
Mileage Limit (km/year). Mileage limit per year.
Price per km Over Limit.
Supplier No. Choose Supplier from the list if it is available.
Supplier Name. Asset supplier name.
Asset Category.
Asset Description.
VIN. Vehicle identification number for automotive lease asset.
License Plate No. of the asset for automotive lease asset.
First Registration Date of the asset, if applicable.

Financing Section
Financing section contains financing conditions. Valid Application must have financing term, payment frequency, and interest specified. By clicking Assist Edit button on the field Financed Amount user can access finance details: Installment Schedule, Insurances, Services and Guarantees.

Approval Conditions Section
List of conditions for approval. The list is populated by the system or by back-office users.

Documents Section
Documents section stores generated in the system or uploaded Application documents.

Dealer Section

Originator No., Name fields are populated by the system.
Salesperson, Name, Phone No., E-mail. Dealer Salesperson is populated automatically but can be changed by selecting another salesperson code from originator’s person list. Name, Phone No. and E-mail fields are populated automatically when Salesperson is selected.
Lessor Officer, Name, Phone No., E-mail. Lessor officer can be selected from the list. Name, Phone No. and E-mail fields are populated automatically when Officer is selected.

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