  • 16 Jul 2024
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1. Purpose

E-signature module purpose is to allow electronic signing of the leasing contracts. The module can use OneSpan or DocuSign service to support digital document signing. E-Signature module together with provider service includes:
Signature placeholders’ definition in document templates (takes part in module S4L.DM);
Creating and sending document packages to applicants for signing;
Tracking statuses of packages and signers;
Attaching signed documents to contract documents (takes part in module S4L.DM);
Linking signing process flow to trigger automatic application status updates.

2. E-signature Setup

2.1 Anchors in Document Templates

Signature placeholders (i.e. anchors) must be defined for the document template. Any anchor is defined as a text string and cannot have space characters in the definition:

The same anchors must be found in the document template:

2.2 Signature Types and Mapping

It is possible to have different signature types: radio buttons, text fields, checkboxes, date and standard signature.
Radio Buttons:
You can include up to three radio buttons per anchor.
Use the Radio Buttons No. field to specify the desired number of radio buttons.

If necessary, utilize offset fields to adjust the placement of radio buttons within the document template.
Each radio button has its own set of offset fields:

  • First radio button: Offset X and Offset Y
  • Second radio button: Radio Offset 2X and Radio Offset 2Y
  • Third radio button: Radio Offset 3X and Radio Offset 3Y

If no offset fields are used, all radio buttons will be stacked directly on top of each other.
Signature Size:
Customize the size of each signature using the Size X and Size Y fields.
Note that each anchor can have different signature sizes.

The Field in Contract feature enables you to map an anchor to a specific field within the contract, this allows recipient to fill in the field during signing process and the value will be reflected in the contract. Here are some guidelines for choosing the appropriate anchor type:
If you decide to map the anchor to, for example, Marketing Consent field, the anchor type should be either Radio or Checkbox. This allows the recipient to indicate whether they give consent or not by marking the corresponding field in the document.
Alternatively, if you want to provide the recipient with a free-text option, use the Text Field type. This allows the recipient to fill in the value themselves, mapping it to any relevant text field in the contract.
Note: The placement of fields within the document is crucial. Here’s how it works when you map an anchor to different field types:
For a Boolean (True/False) type field, the first radio button always corresponds to true, while the second one represents false.
If you map the anchor to an Option type field:

  • The first radio button indicates the recipient’s choice of the first available option.
  • The second radio button signifies the recipient’s selection of the second available option.
  • The third radio button reflects the recipient’s preference for the third available option.

2.3 Parsing Signature Values to Contract

Suppose you wish to enable recipients to select their gender and provide marketing consent. To achieve this, map one anchor in the Field in Contract to the Gender field (assign 3 Radio buttons, because gender field has 3 possible values and choose desired offset values for each button) and another anchor to the Marketing Consent field (with the Checkbox anchor type). In the contract, there is no need to pre-fill this information. Instead, allow the recipient to complete it during the signing process. For instance, consider an application where the fields remain unfilled until the recipient interacts with the document:

The document template should look something like this:

Note that the gender selections align with those in the application card. This consistency is essential because the choice made in the document directly impacts the corresponding field in the application.
Document template for the recipient will look something like this:

Then the recipient will make their choices and sign the document. After that is done, go to E-Signature Package Card and use Download Documents action to download signed documents and fill in the fields for the application.

Confirm that the choices made in the document are reflected in the application

2.4 E-signature Setup

E-Signature Provider. Select E-signature provider, either DocuSign or OneSpan.
Packages No. Series. Select number series for E-signature packages.
Set All Individual Applicants as Signers. Every individual, sole trader and partnership applicant automatically flagged as "E-Signature Signer".
Send Package Automatically. If “Create & Include to E-Signature Package” is flagged in “Document Selection” to print documents, the E-Signature Package will be sent automatically.

Status Filter
Status for Signed eSignature. Status of a package in which all documents were signed. The status must be valid at OneSpan and DocuSign services.
Status for Pending eSignature. Status of a package sent to the signers. The status must be valid at OneSpan and DocuSign services.
Status for Declined eSignature. Status of a package rejected by the signers. The status must be valid at OneSpan and DocuSign services.

API URL. URL of OneSpan service API.
API Key. Key that was generated by OneSpan to connect to the service.
Default Email Text: enter text string which will be automatically added to every email e-signature email.
File Extension Filter for Allowed Documents in EsignLive: a filter for file extensions, that are supported by OneSpan. 0.5
Email. Email address to send OneSpan e-signature emails from.
First Name. First name to send OneSpan e-signature emails from
Last Name. Last name to send OneSpan e-signature emails from.

API URL. URL of DocuSign service API.
User Name. DocuSign service user name.
Password. DocuSign service password.
Integration Key. DocuSign service integration key.
Account ID. DocuSign service account ID.
Download Certificate. Toggle switch on to download certificate.
Email Subject. Subject of DocuSign e-signature email.
Email Text. Text of DocuSign e-signature email.
Use SMS Authentication. If enabled, sms authentication will be used in e-signature process.

2.5 E-signature Service

An account with API key in the OneSpan or DocuSign service self-service portal must be created to enable E-signature module in SOFT4Leasing.

3. E-signature Package Card

E-signature package card contains general information about the package and documents related to the package.

Package No. Package number, assigned automatically at the time the package is created.
Contract No. Number of the application/contract the package is related to.
ID. Package ID number, assigned automatically by E-signature service at the time the package is moved to the service.
Status. Status of the package. The status is updated (manually or automatically) from E-signature service after the package was moved to the service. The available statuses are SENT, DECLINED, COMPLETED, OPTED_OUT, EXPIRED, ARCHIVED.
Documents Downloaded. The flag is marked automatically, when documents are downloaded from E-signature service. The documents are downloaded when packages get status which follows the filter in the E-signature Setup “Status for Signed eSignature”. When a package is marked “Documents Downloaded” it is excluded for pending to be downloaded.

Type Code. Property of a document entity (refer to S4L.DM documentation)
Template Code. Property of a document entity (refer to S4L.DM documentation).
Signers shows a total number of signers in the document. You can drill down to review or update signer’s details (e.g. email, phone number) before sending the package.
Type. Document status in the package:
Initial – the initial document that was sent for signature (i.e. document without signatures);
Signed – document that was downloaded from E-signature service.
Description. It is a description of a document.
Comment. Free text comment of a document.

4. Signers

The package is distributed for the responsible persons, called E-Signature Signers in the system. Each anchor in the documents must be assigned to a signer. A signer is allowed to be any individual applicant from the related application.

Anchor. text string which indicates where the signer must put its signature.
No. signer number which is the number of the customer in the system.
Role in Contract. defines role in the contract, is automatically copied from the applicant card.
First Name is a first name of the signer. Is automatically copied from the applicant card. First name is indicated on the document together with anchor.
Last Name is a last name of the signer. Is automatically copied from the applicant card. Last name is indicated on the document together with anchor.
Email that should be used to send document for signing to the signer.
Order No.: define signing orders of different signers in the ascending order.
Custom ID: signer ID in the e-signature service. Is automatically generated from Package No. and Applicant No.
Status: Status of the signer. The status is updated (manually or automatically) from e-signature service after the package was moved to the service. The available statuses are SIGNING_PENDING, COMPLETED, CANCELED, INACTIVE, DECLINED, EXPIRED, OPTED_OUT, ARCHIVED.

5. Working with E-signature

5.1 E-signature Packages

The simplest way to create E-Signature package is to click action Print Documents and select documents you want to include in the package. On page closing system will create a new E-Signature package and include all selected documents.
Also, manually the packages can be created in the Application Card, Documents fasttab.
Documents to be included in the package must be attached in the documents section of an application. The anchors are copied from the template to the generated document at the time the documents are generated from the template.
In the Documents fasttab select the documents you want to include in the package (you can select multiple documents) and click Create Package activity button to create an internal package in the system:
In the opened package you can review or update signers for each document by drilling down Signers field value. If needed, delete the unnecessary anchors, edit email or phone No.
In most cases signers are populated automatically during the package creation. System tries to find suitable signers in Applicant list and apply signing order, if required. Note the Applicant must be flagged as E-Signature Signer to be included in this automated search. Also, Role filter is applied to Applicant depending on the signer role specified for a specific document anchor.
Click Send Package to email signers the link with a reference to the documents pending for signature. E-signature provider starts the process of signatures collection.

5.2. E-signature Periodic Activities

Update Package Status“ – retrieves status of packages from EsignLive service. Only those packages that have been created in the service can get status updated.
Download Documents“ – downloads documents from E-signature service. The documents for download are selected by filtering packages that do not have mark „Documents Downloaded“ and which status meet the „Status for Signed eSignature” value in the E-signature setup. Downloaded documents are attached to the documents of an application and are marked as Signed.
Both functions can be run manually or automatically by setting a job queue to run periodically.

6. Signing Result to Application Status Changes

Signing lease deals automatically by E-signature also benefits in financing process automation by allowing to validate application statuses as per the E-signing progress. Once the application was approved by credit team, the action of sending the E-signature package changes application status to “Pending eSignature”. At the time the package gets signed, the application is moved to “Signed eSignature” if the package contains leasing contract document. Note automated status update works only if Status Flow setup is completed on Leasing Setup card.
Signed applications can be found as a separate tile in the Originator role center for faster financing process.
To configure automated status update for e-signature process add and setup new application statuses: “Pending eSignature”, “Signed eSignature” and “Declined eSignature”:
Also, setup new statuses in the Leasing Setup, Status Flow section.
Leasing contract document template must be specified in Documents Selections to enable automated Application status update to “Signed eSignature” status.

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