Master Quotes
  • 16 Oct 2024
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Master Quotes

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Article summary


1. Purpose

The Master Quote functionality is designed to create multi-proposal leasing quotes for customers, for example if customer wants to see the impact for installment based on different term, mileage, financial product etc.

2. Setup

Navigate to Leasing Setup page.

Assign master quote number series to field Master Quote Nos on Numbering tab.
Assign master quote status code to field Status - Master Quote on Status Flow tab.

Navigate to Documents Selections page and assign Master Quote Template:
For master quote document template mapping it is recommended to used standard dataset 17021243 “Doc. Data - Master Contract".

3. Creating Master Quote

Navigate to Back Office role center and click in Master Quote tile to open Master Quote list.
Once in the Master Quotes list, use New action to create a new master quote.

In the Master Contract Card page fill in mandatory fields:

  • Financial Product – specifies financial product code.

  • Financial Product Description. Financial product description is filled automatically according to the chosen Financial Product.

  • Individual/ Business. Determines customer type: individual or business. Different customer information is used for different types.

  • Lookup existing customer. Provides a list to choose a customer from contact list. If a customer is selected from a lookup list, the system automatically transfers contact details to quote.
    Fields active only for individual customers:

  • Title. Title of a customer (used only for individual customers).

  • First Name. First name of a customer (used only for individual customers).

  • Surname. Surname of a customer (used only for individual customers).

  • E-mail. E-mail address of an individual customer.

  • Phone No. Phone number of an individual customer.

  • Privacy Consent. Customer consents to access their private information.

  • Marketing Consent. Customer consents to receiving commercial information from the company.

If Customer type is Business, user needs to input customer Legal From. Legal from type defines which customer related fields are visible on quote and on application card. Basically, there are three general legal types: Company, Partnership, Sole Trader.

Fields active only for business customers, legal form type - Company:

  • Name. Name of a business customer.
  • E-mail. E-mail address of an individual customer.
  • Phone No. Phone number of an individual customer.
  • Privacy Consent. Customer consents to access their private information.
  • Marketing Consent. Customer consents to receiving commercial information from the company.

Note: For Sole Trader or Partnership legal from type individual fields are applicable.

Originator / Supplier / Lessor tab

  • Originator No., Name. Number of quote originator chosen from originator list. Originator Name can be chosen according to Originator No. Originator is automatically assigned as a supplier. In the system, Originator No. is also used as dimension.
  • Supplier No., Supplier Name. supplier can also be chosen from contact list. Supplier name is filled in according to Supplier No.
  • Supplier Salesperson No., Supplier Salesperson Name. Supplier salesperson can be chosen from supplier contact person list. Supplier Salesperson name is filled in automatically after Supplier Salesperson No. is validated.
  • Originator Salesperson, Name. Originator Salesperson is chosen from contact person list. Salesperson No., Name are transferred from contact card.
  • Lessor Officer, Name. Lessor officer is chosen from salesperson list. Officer No., Name are transferred from salesperson card.

4. Creating Quotes

To create a new quote from the master quote, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Quotes subpage within the Master Quote Card.
  • Click action Create New Quote.

Editing Quote Details:
Once a quote is created, the quote card page will open. You can edit quote details as needed.

Copying Similar Quotes:

  • Select an existing application from the list on the Quotes subpage.
  • Use the Copy Quote action.
  • Specify the desired number of quotes you want to create.


Printing Master Quote document:

  • Click action Print Quote on the ribbon of Master Quote Card:

Master Quote Archive: after conversion Master Quote was moved to Master Quote - Archive with status Converted to Application.

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