  • 16 Jul 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Article summary


1. Purpose

Workflows functionality enables users to create and maintain sequences of activities that involves employees with various positions tasks. Maintaining consists of triggering business activities and transferring regarding tasks to responsible teams, thus responsible officers. Workflow functionality allows users to complete a request step by step.
The systems include general, application assessment, compliance and checklist type workflows.

2. Prerequisites for test

Workflow templates has to be created.
Workflow steps code setup has to be done, steps transition matrix has to be defined for each workflow template.
Teams have to be created.
Team sales persons have to be created.
Setup has to be done according to BC help.
Using provided database for tests (includes necessary setup).

3. Required information

Users must define action sequences and responsible teams for workflow templates.

4. Workflow template

Workflow template determines a set of actions (workflow steps) that the workflow includes.
A user can also set a DLA Type for a workflow template.
When starting a workflow manually a user is able to choose only a valid workflow.
Workflow Template Card specifies workflow code, description, type, DLA type, SLA target, status and workflow steps.
From Workflow Template Card user can navigate to Workflow Step Transitions, where possible links between various tasks must be opened. User build steps from (1) tasks and (2) decision points, arrange them in sequence and then simplify, i.e. two consecutive tasks done at the same position should be joined to single Step.
While completing workflow steps, a system aggregates a continuous and meaningful texts of task description, assignment text, officer’s names and timestamps. These descriptions are visible workflow log, thus in a workflow history.

General section
Code – Identifies the workflow. Enter a maximum of 20 characters of free text.
Description – Describes the workflow. Enter a maximum of 20 characters of free text.
Workflow Type – Specifies the type of the workflow. Pre-defined drop down list. App. Assessment: workflow type is used for application assessment, Compliance – workflow type is used for application compliance, Checklist – workflow type checklist describes the steps to follow. General option is used for other workflow types.
DLA Type – Specifies DLA type. Pre-defined drop down list: None, Credit Decision, Contract Variation, Write-off. From this selection depends which DLA table will be used and which rights set will be assigned.
SLA Target – target duration of a service level agreement for a workflow template.
Status – identifies workflow status. Pre-defined drop down list. Status New: workflow template can be edited; Valid: workflow template cannot be edited; Expired: workflow template expired and cannot be used.

Steps section
Code - Identifies workflow template step. Enter a maximum of 20 characters of free text. Our recommendation for code structure is: Double digit- action description. Example: 10-INITIAL; 99-CANCELLED
Task Description – field, describe the task of workflow step. Enter a maximum of 250 characters of free text. This description will be visible during workflow execution and in the workflow history.
Assignment Text – text field. Describe the task for this workflow step. Enter a maximum of 250 characters of free text. This description will be visible during workflow execution and in the workflow history.
Action Text – text field. Describe an action step. Enter a maximum of 250 characters of free text. This description will be visible during workflow execution and in the workflow history.
Status Text Show to Originator – text field. The value is show to an originator in application card though web portal for informational purpose. The value is selected according to existing step code.
Stage – Specifies the list of the different stages of workflow action. Pre-defined drop down list: Initial, Approval, Action, Canceled, Complied.
Card Page ID – if workflow type is not General user has to specify page ID from drop down list. Assigned page will be opened during workflow execution.
Default Team – user has to specify default team who is responsible for specific workflow step or need to take some actions. Team has to be selected from configurable drop down list.
Default Owner – specifies the person responsible for specific workflow step. Officers list is suggested from the default team.
Subject To DLA – system does a user have permissions for a specific workflow step.
Office Notes Required – if the checkbox is checked, then the officer note is required during workflow execution.

Action Step Transitions
Show Column Name – if checkbox is checked, then columns will be named after task description. If not, then columns will be named by standard step names: initiate, action, cancelled, changed and so on.
WF Step Transition Matrix – for each step identify possible next steps. You can only transit to next step if output of one step equals to required input for next step. Open All Transitions is used to activate transitions between all steps. Close All Transitions can be used to deactivate transitions between all steps.

Workflow selection window appears when processing a workflow there is more than one option for the next step.
A user selects the next step and closes the selection window.

5. Workflow task

A workflow tracks actions completed within it. You can set up and use workflows that connect business-process tasks performed by different users. Requesting and granting approval to create new records are typical workflow steps.
When starting a workflow manually user is able to choose only a valid workflow.
A workflow can be started from Application, Contract or Contact windows by pressing Start Workflow. A workflow of a special type (not general) is also started automatically when appropriate actions occurs. For example, application assessment workflow starts after a user submits an application for approval.

Workflow list window specifies information about active and completed or canceled workflows: current step information, team and owner information, workflow source information, date and time of initiation, modification and completion.
The user is able to navigate to a source of a workflow – Application, Active Contract or Contact Card.
If a workflow consists of a Cancel stage step, the user is able to cancel a workflow immediately, skipping all transitional steps. Only owner of a workflow can cancel it.
Workflow can be referred back. During this action, a user chooses a previous step to refer back to from the workflow refer back window.
A user can delegate workflow to a team, delegate workflow or batch of workflows to an officer from a current team.

Workflow Name – identifies workflow template name.
Workflow Code – idientifies workflow template code.
Current Step Descr. – description of a current step of a workflow.
Regarding – identifies source of a workflow: application, active contract or contact.
Team Code – identifies team’s code of a responsible person.
Team – identifies a team of a responsible person.
Owner Code – identifies persons (officers) code who is responsible for the workflow.
Owner – identifies person (officer) who is responsible for the workflow.
No. – identification field of a workflow.
Checklist Progress Bar – a progress bar for a checklist type workflows. Shows percentage execution of a checklist.
Completed By – officer’s code, who completed a workflow. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is completed or canceled.
Completed Datetime – workflow completion date and time. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is completed or canceled.
Contract No. – regarding contract identification number.
Current Stage – every workflow has to be described by one of the stages: initial, approval, action, completed, canceled.
Current Step – identifies the current step of a workflow.
Initiated By – officers’ code, who initiated a workflow. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is initiated.
Started Datetime – date and time when a workflow was initiated. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is initiated.
Modified By – officers’ code, who modified a workflow. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is transmitted to a next step.
Modified Datetime – workflow modification date and time. Entered to the system automatically when workflow is transmitted to a next step.
Workflow Card specifies current step, source and reason, regarding team and owner of a workflow. It also specifies tracked steps and duration of a workflow.
The user can perform identical actions as on the workflow window.

Workflow – identifies workflow template name.
Current Step – identifies the current step of workflow.
Regarding – identifies related contract, customer and financial product.
Reason – a free text field where owner can specify the reason of workflow initiation.
Owner – identifies person who is responsible for the workflow.
Team – identifies a team of responsible person.
Officer Notes – officer note during workflow execution.
Log – the list of completed workflow steps.
SLA Duration - time period of a workflows step SLA.

Workflow Checklist Card is a workflow of a type checklist card. The card specifies general information about workflow: name, current step, owner and team, checklist progress. Workflow checklist card includes details checklist ant logs subpages.

6. Workflow SLA Hours

Workflow SLA Hours is used to define working hours. The defined hours are used to calculate the duration of SLA regarding working time.
Workflow SLA Hours window is used to setup working hours.
Week Day – identified the day of a week.
Work Hours Start – identifies the time when working hours start.
Work Hours End – identifies the time when working hours end.

Scenario 1.

Leasing company call center takes a customer call. The customer asks to postpone next installment of his active lease. Call center officer identifies the customer and his contract during the call.
Note: user who is responsible for managing contracts installments to be in Credit Team and has to have credit decision right in User Setup.
Open Active Contracts list from the Role Center.
Select the contract that installment has to be postponed on Active Contracts list. For this case, select Contract No. OL150006
Click action Start Workflow.
Select a specific type of workflow template on WF Template List. This Workflow template must have all actions you need. In our case, the task should be delegated to a credit team. Select WF template 20 Account Maintenance (without feedback).
Fill in data in WF card:

ReasonChange payment day from 25 to 15th
Officer NoteNone

Click Next Step. Task is delegated to Credit Team. Task will be automatically carried (“transit”) to the next action if there is only one option.
Now task is delegated to a Credit Team. Thus a Credit Team has a new task in a Team Task list. Task can be delegated to a specific officer, referred back or executed further.
Credit Team manager (or one of members) opens Team Tasks List from his the Role Center. Click Team Tasks.
Delegate task to an officer. Click action Delegate To Officer and select officer from team members list.
Responsible Credit Team officer opens his task.
If everything is OK, officer postpones next installment, enters Officer Note about his action and clicks Next Step and chooses option to complete workflow.
Now workflow is completed. You can view workflow history. Open contract details. In our case Contract No: OL150006.

Click Navigate button in a ribbon then expand History selection list. Click Workflow History. Here you can review SLA timing.

Scenario 2.

Leasing company call center takes a customer call. The customer asks to change installments frequency from 1 week to 2 weeks. If everything OK customer has to be informed about changes. Call center officer identifies the customer and his contract during the call.
Note: user who is responsible for managing contracts installments to be in Credit Team and has to have credit decision right in User Setup.
Open Active Contract list from the Role Center.
Select the contract which installment has to be postpone on Active Contract list. For this case, select Contract No. FL150134
Click action Start Workflow.
Select a specific type of workflow template on WF Template List. This Workflow template must have all actions you need. In our case, the task should be delegated to a credit team and delegated back to customer service to feedback a customer. For this case, select WF template 20 Account Maintenance (with feedback).
Fill in data in WF card:

ReasonTo change installment frequency- 2 weeks instead of 1. Feedback required.
Officer NoteNone

Click** Next Step**. Task is delegated to Credit Team.
Now task is delegated to a Credit Team. Thus a Credit Team has a new task in a Team Task list. Task can be delegated to a specific officer, referred back or executed further.
Credit Team opens his task. If everything OK changes installment frequency.
Credit Team officer chooses to either complete the workflow or to notify customer service about changes.
In our case Credit Team officer chooses to notify Customer Service. Credit Team enters Officer Note and clicks Next Step.
Select option to notify Customer Service.
Now the task is delegated to customer service team. Customer services officer calls or sends a notification to the customer. After notifying the customer, open workflow and clicks Next Step. Task will be automatically carried (“transit”) to the next action if there is only one option. In this case there is only one option and workflow is completed.

Now workflow is completed. You can view workflow history. Open contract details. In our case Contract No: FL150134.
Click Action tab in a ribbon. Click Workflow History. Here you can review SLA timing.

Scenario 3.

Leasing company call center takes a customer call. The customer informed that his leased bike has been stolen. Call center officer identifies the customer and his contract during the call. Credit Team has to approve theft and delegate task to finance team to shortfall the contract.
Note: Insurance event workflow engages credit and finance team. Responsible users of this scenario has to be in specified teams and has to have specified User Setup completed.
Open Active Contract list from the Role Center.
Select the contract which installment has to be postpone on Active Contract list. For this case, select Contract No. OL150006.
Click action Start Workflow.
Select a specific type of workflow template on WF Template List. This workflow template must have all actions you need. In our case, the task should be delegated to a credit team, after theft will be approved, task should be delegated to a finance team. For this case, select WF template 41 Insurance event total damage.

ReasonBike stolen
Officer NoteNone

Click Next Step. Task is delegated to Credit Team.
Now task is delegated to a Credit Team. Thus a Credit Team has a new task in a Team Task list. Task can be delegated to a specific officer, referred back or executed further.
Credit Team opens his task. Checks if all documents specified in "regarding" section are attached. Click Next step if everything is OK.
Credit Team officer chooses to either decline the request (if something went wrong) or to delegate task to the finance team.
Credit Team officer chooses second option and delegates task to the finance team in our case. Credit Team enters Officer Note and clicks Next Step.
Now task is delegated to the finance team. Finance team needs to take some actions to shortfall the contract. An officer enters Officer Note after finance team finished their task. Clicks Next Step and completes workflow. Task will be automatically carried (“transit”) to the next action if there is only one option. In this case there is only one option and workflow is completed.
Now workflow is completed. You can view workflow history. Open contract details. In our case Contract No: OL150006.
Click Action tab in a ribbon. Click Workflow History. Here you can review SLA timing.

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