Document Management
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Document Management

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Article summary

Document Management.

1. Product purpose

Document management functionality enables users to easily manage leasing documents. This includes:

  • Modifying document templates.
  • Setting up frequently used documents sets.
  • Importing and attaching documents to the system.
  • Printing and attaching documents to the system.
  • Managing documents for each lease contract step by step.
  • Managing outbox for sending documents through snail mail or email.

The default leasing documents are categorized to application, settlement, post-settlement, contract, and collection groups. The following table lists the default document templates in each group.

Default SL Document Templates

ApplicationsApplication, Verbal Privacy, Decline Advice, Approval Advice, Privacy, Invoice Request, Credit Reference
SettlementSettlement Confirmation, Brokerage Confirmation, Rental Appraisal, Trust Document, Declaration of Ownership, ID Declaration, Secured Guarantee, Telecommunication Annexure, Rental Annexure, Delivery Acknowledgement, Landlords Waiver
Post-settlementFee Tax Invoice, Residual Tax Invoice, Residual/ Balloon Expiry, Client Expiry, Thank You Letter, Welcome Letter, Pay Out Figure
ContractCHP Contract, Chatel Mortgage Contract, Rental Contract, Lease Contract
CollectionsDishonour Letter, Promise to Pay letter, Arrears Letter, Final Demand, Notice of Demand, Notice Of Termination, Termination Of Agreement, Voluntary Surrender

2. Document Selection

Define Document Type and Document Template for each Financial Product in Document Selection Window. You can also make default document selection by not defining Financial Product.
Leasing documents that can be setup for automatic selection are: Quote, Application, Contract, Confirmation, Approval Letter, Decline Letter, Welcome Letter, Dishonour Letter, Shortfall Letter, Pay-Out Letter and Credit Line Approval, Promise to Pay letter, Settlement Confirmation, Brokerage Confirmation, Delivery Acknowledgement, Secured Guarantee, Declaration of Ownership, Landlords Waiver, ID Declaration, Rental Annexure, Telecommunication Annexure. If any of the document template is not described for a specific Financial Product the system selects document type and template with undefined financial product.

3. Documents

Contains a list of documents that are stored as attachments in the system. Appears in the system as a Fast Tab in a Quote Card, Application Card, Contract Card, Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Posted Purchase Invoice, Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Posted Sales Invoice.
To import the document, you must set “Document Type Code” and “Document Date” in the Documents fast tab and import the file.
Every printed document is attached to the system automatically.
If status of a lease contract changes, attached documents are being kept, for example application documents, approval letter, welcome letter, identification document etc. remain attached after contract activation. Documents are kept attached after sales invoice has been posted, or after purchase invoice has been posted.
A document is removed only when the user deletes the corresponding attachment.
Only Prepared documents can be Signed. And only Signed documents can be Checked.
Documents from a predefined document set are moved to a document list by choosing “Get standard document set”. The user can use this functionality to create a set of standard documents for a quote, application, contract, purchase order, sales order, purchase invoice or sales invoice.

Document Type Code. This field identifies the group to which the document is assigned.
Template Code. Certain document identification code. The same documents can appear in different document sets and have multiple Document Type Codes.
Document Date. The actual date of a document. S4L automatically suggests the date of line insertion, but it can be changed to the actual one by the user.
Description. Document description for informative purposes.
Comment. Free text comment (for document usage limitations etc.).
Prepared, Signed, Checked. Show the status of a document. Prepared - the document is edited according to current customer data. Signed – the paper document has been signed by both parties. Checked – the document has been checked and approved by an authorized user.
E-signature Anchors. Count of e-signature anchor points.
E-signature Anchors. List of e-signature anchor points.
Add to E-signature Package. Select when adding a new document to a package.
Latest E-signature Package No.
E-signature Package Status. Status of e-signature package.
Doc. Send-to. Allows to set a document recipient type. The possible options are Originator, Customer and Third Party. Default value is populated according to document template.
Doc. Send-to. No. Code of a document recipient.
Doc. Send-to Name. Name of a document recipient. Automatically populated according to Doc. Send-to No.
Delivery Status – automatically generated field in document outbox. Provides information about dispatch from outbox status.
Do Not Send – attribute field for documents outbox to include/exclude in document sending though snail mail or email.
Supporting Doc. Type - Identifies uploaded document. For example, Applicant ID.
Visible In Dealer Portal - flagged if document is created in Dealer Portal or by E-Signature process. Also, when document is created by Back Office user and document template field Visible in Portal is flagged.

4. Document Types

Document types are used for the identification of the usage area.
By default, there are two groups: INBOUND, that is used for imported documents, and OUTBOUND, that is used for documents generated by the system.
Document types window specifies document types and its relevant information. From the document types page the user can quickly navigate to templates or documents of a specific type.

Document Type Code. This field identifies the type of a document.
Description. Document type description about usage area.
No. Of Templates. Number of defined document templates, identified within certain type.
No of Documents. Number of current documents, identified within certain type.

5. Document Templates

Document templates are used to define and give structure to a file of MS Word format that is intended to be used at a particular leasing process step.
Custom report layout ID must be set up for OUTBOUND document templates. To do this, the user must have a constructed layout for a specific template.
A custom report layout can be imported by choosing MS Word file.It can also be exported or modified.
Document templates window specifies the templates that are determined for the use. From this window the user can set up template output format, validation period, identify language, add description and remarks, specify the layout.
Import Word Layout allows user to choose a report layout, thus to import a layout. From the Document templates page the user can also export or modify a layout of a particular template. Modified layout version can be saved to the system, this action replaces the old version of a layout.
From document templates window the user can use Run Word Layout to produce a document with specific contract or credit decision data. The printed document is not attached to the system.

Document Type Code. This field identifies the group to which the document template is assigned.
Template Code. Free text user defined code of a document template.
Description. Short description of a document template.
Valid From/ Until. Defines document template validation period.
Default Doc Send-to – identified the default recipient of a document template. The possible options are Originator, Customer and Third Party.
Remarks. Comments about template usage.
Language Code. Document template language identifier.
Output Doc Format. Choice of PDF, WORD, EXCEL and HTML formats as default printing format for a particular document template.
E-signature Anchor. Count of E-signature anchor points.
Customer Report Layout ID. Define MS Word document template custom layout. Application Print Documents Setup is used to configure a set of templates that are available to print for an originator by clicking Print Documents action. If originator is using Dealer portal then originator will not be able to choose documents to print that are not defined in the Application Print Documents Setup list.

Financial Product field allows to choose specific product for which document must appear in documents to print list. Blank value will show the document for all financial products in the system and no filter is applied.
Individual/Business also allows to define different document sets for Individuals and Businesses. Choose Any if you want the document to be generic for all types of customers.
Legal Form is another possibility to differentiate documents selection for a different types of business customers.
Doc. Type and Doc. Template Code define document template which should be available for printing.

6. Document Sets

Document sets are used to help manage leasing documentation. A document set contains a list of document templates that are required for a particular part of a leasing process administration.
Document set predefines the necessary documents for a leasing process activity. The document from a set can be moved to a contract documents list faster that one by one.
Document Set Window specifies the document sets that are described within the system. The user can set validation period, language, description for a document set. The user can also navigate to the document set lines.
Set ID. Identifier of a document set.
Description. Description of a document set.
Valid From/ Until. The date when the document set entered into effect or was canceled. S4L automatically filters non-valid ones at the moment of insertion. The full list of sets can be administered in the Menu Setup/Document management setup.
Language Code. Document set language identifier.
Set Lines. The number of documents that are included in a document set.

7. Document Set Lines

Document Type Code. Select Document Type for Document Set Line.
Template Code. Select Document Template for Document Set Line
Description. Description of a document set line.
Valid From/Until. The date when the document set line entered into effect or was canceled. S4L automatically filters non-valid ones at the moment of insertion. The full list of sets can be administered in the Menu Setup/Document management setup.

8. Document Outbox

Document outbox is used to manage documents movements to snail mail or email. Document are included to outbox when they have Doc. Send to No. provided (not blank). By default, this field is populated according to document template setup.
Send E-mails is used to send the selected documents. The email address is accessed from contact entity according to Doc. Send to No., while Doc. Send to No. is accessed according to Doc. Send-to and contract information. The function omits Do Not Send and already Emailed documents. Documents that have been sent are ticked as Emailed.
Print Documents is used to print the selected documents. The function omits Do Not Send and already Printed documents. Documents that have been printed are ticked as Printed.

Source Code. identifies contract, customer or originator code that the document is attached to.
Customer Name. identifies customer name.
Description. Document description for informative purposes.
Comment. Free text comment (for document usage limitations etc.).
Document Date. The actual date of a document.
Template Code. Certain document identification code.
Doc. Send to. identifies recipient type.
Doc. Send-to No. contact code of a document recipient.
Doc. Send-to Name. contact name of a document recipient. Automatically populated according to Doc. Send-to No. field.
Printed. identifies whether the document was printed for snail mail.
Emailed. identifies whether the document was emailed.
Do Not Send. attribute field to include/exclude in document sending.
Delivery Status. provides information about dispatch from outbox status.

How to: Prepare documents for lease contract activation.

To activate lease contract the list of various documents must be managed:

1. Insurance Policy - attached, amount equal or above asset value
2. Supplier invoice(s) - attached, amount equals asset value on lease contract
3. Privacy Form - signed by each individual applicant and attached
4. Direct Debit Mandate - signed and attached
5. Customer ID - attached, data in the system match
6. Proof of Income - attached, match with data on Application

Open Application list by typing “Application List” in search box.
Select the application which documents you want to attach.
Note. You can choose either to insert line by line from the list of documents by clicking on the Document Type Code or a more convenient way is to click the button “Documents” -> “Get Standard document set”. On the “Get Standard document set” selection there is a list of available sets of documents (filtered according to client, product type etc.). Pick the most appropriate. The system automatically inserts in the setup lines of the predefined document set. Now you have two options: either import the copy of the document or open the template to the printout for signatures.
On a documents tab insert new document line. Select INBOUND Document Type. Select Import to attach signed insurance policy to the system. If needed enter insurance policy document date, description, comment. Check the document is Prepared. Check the document is Signed. When the amounts of an asset value are checked to the contract, indicate Checked.
Attach and check other missing documents. Complete document lines with documents information, check the appropriate fields.
You can also print application document. On the application card click Print Documents. The printed document is automatically attached to the system with a type OUTBOUND, template code, document date, description. Enter any other information and check the document is Prepared.

9. Document Drop Area

You can import and attach various files to the leasing quote, application or contract by simply dragging the file to the document drop area. Several documents can be uploaded within one drag & drop action.
Document Drop Area is available in the list pages.
Document area is available on card pages also.

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