Email Notification
  • 15 Jul 2024
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Email Notification

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Article summary

Email Notifications

1. Purpose

Email Notifications functionality allows to create and distribute various types of email notifications to customers, originators, suppliers, and back-office users. This includes:

  • Configuring email notifications
  • Creating Email Notification templates
  • Running and configuring job queues for email notifications creation and distribution
  • Checking the history of email notifications

2. Email Notification Setup

Email notification setup allows to configure notifications for some pre-defined events. Currently the following events are available:

  • Contract status update
  • Instalment schedule date
  • Sales invoice creation
  • Sales cr. memo creation
  • Collection letter creation
  • Dishonour letter creation
  • Variable Interest update
  • Asset insurance policy expiring
  • Workflow step change / Delegation

User must create and configure Email Notification templates to be able to send and distribute Email Notifications. Also, general setup must be completed for email notifications.

2.1. General

You must populate all fields values in this area or notifications functionality will not work properly.

Active activates or disactivates email notifications. When field Active is disabled, the system will not create and distribute any of the notifications.
Email Account (from) allows to choose the email account from which email notifications will be sent by default.
Maximum No. of Attempts to Send field sets the maximum number of attempts to send email notifications if for any reason those emails couldn’t reach its recipient.
Emailing Test Mode. Enable this feature to test email notification sending.
Test Mode Email. Input email address to which test notifications will be sent.

2.2 Email Notification Templates

To send Email Notifications user must create and set up Email Notification Templates first by defining at least email subject and selecting body template.

Input Code field value to identify uniquely the new template. Provide comprehensive description in the field Description. Subject Text field allows to define email subject. You can use placeholders for dynamic parts in the subject. Currently the following placeholders are available:

  • %1 – Customer Name
  • %2 – Contract No.
  • %3 – Financial Products Description
  • %4 – Originator Name

Body Template field allow to choose Word template which will be used as email body template. Refer to Document Management guide for details how to create a new Document Template. Note Output Doc Format must be Save as HTML for the Document Template if you want to use it as a Body Template.
Body Template Description shows selected document description.
Checkmark Sales Invoice / Cr. Memo as Attachment field to attach sales invoice / credit memo copy for notification.
Select template in field Attachment Template for the email attachment if you want to attach some other document to notification.
Attachment Format field allows to choose the format of the notification attachment.
Checkmark Save To Document allows to save email attachment to document.

2.3. On contract status update

User can setup email notifications on Quote, Application or Contract status update. User also can choose different email templates for all possible recipients. Current possible recipients: Customer, Supplier Salesperson, Originator Salesperson, Lessor Officer (Back Office user).

Status. Contract status triggering new notification.
Status Description is filled in automatically according to selected Status Code.
Financial Product can be used to configure personalised notifications for every financial product or to skip some of the financial products from being included in notifications creation process. Select Financial product from the list. Blank value means all financial products.
Financial Product Description is filled in automatically according to selected Financial Product.
Individual/Business can be used to configure personalised notifications separately for individual and business customers. Select All if you do not want to differentiate notifications by this criteria.
Legal Form can be used to configure personalised notification for every legal form of customers. Leave blank if you do not want to differentiate notifications by these criteria.
Legal Form Description is filled in automatically according to selected Legal Form.
Recipient Type allows to choose specific recipients: Customer, Supplier Salesperson, Originator Salesperson, Lessor Officer.
Email Template Code allows to choose specific email template for every recipient type. Refer to Email Notification Templates chapter for details.
Email Template Description is filled in automatically according to selected Email Notification Template.
Flag Instant Sending field only if you want system to send email message immediately. Note you can’t use this feature if you have users with limited user license working with leasing origination process. It is recommended leaving this field not flagged.
Email Account (From) allows to select a certain email account from which email notifications will be sent.

2.4. On Instalment Schedule Date

Often notifications are required to send for customer a few days before next instalment day. One of the reasons could be to inform customer about coming payment to leasing company in advance and prepare for payment.

Select Financial Product if you need to configure personalised notifications for every financial product or need to skip some of the financial products from being included in notifications creation process. Select Financial product from the list. Blank value means all financial products.
Individual/Business can be used to configure personalised notifications separately for individual and business customers. Select All if you do not want to differentiate notifications by these criteria.
Notification Date Formula helps to define period in which notification must be sent (e.g., 3D is 3 days before next instalment day).
Select Customer Notification Template Code for email notification.
Select Email Account (From) if you do not want to use standard email account for email notifications and there is a requirement to have different outgoing email address (e.g.,

2.5. On Sales Invoice / On Sales Cr. Memo

Use this setup if you need to send Sales Invoice or Sales Cr. Memo documents to your customers by email.

Select Financial Product if you need to configure personalised notifications for every financial product or need to skip some of the financial products from being included in notifications creation process. Select Financial product from the list. Blank value means all financial products.
Individual/Business can be used to configure personalised notifications separately for individual and business customers. Select All if you do not want to differentiate notifications by these criteria.
Select Customer Notification Template Code for email notification.
Select Email Account (From) if you do not want to use standard email account for email notifications and there is a requirement to have different outgoing email address (e.g.

2.6. On Collection Letter

System can be configured to create Collection letters to customers in arrears. You can enable email notifications and create email notifications instead of creating collection letters.

Fields Level and Description are part of Collection Letter setup and can’t be modified here.
Flag Use E-Mail Notification field to enable Email notification for a certain Collection letter and skip letter creation.
Select E-Mail Notification Template Code for email notification. Can be modified only if checkbox Use E-Mail Notification is marked.
Letter Template used for collection letter and can be modified only if checkbox Use E-Mail Notification is unmarked.

2.7. On Dishonour Letter

Dishonour letters are issued and sent when Direct Debit payment request fails. You can enable email notifications and create email notifications instead of dishonour letters.

Fields Financial Product, Individual/Business, Legal Form are part of Dishonours setup and can’t be modified here.
Flag Use E-Mail Notifications For Dishonour field to enable Email notification for a certain Dishonour letter and skip letter creation.
Select Dishonour E-Mail Notification Template for email notification. Can be modified only if checkbox Use E-Mail Notification is marked.
Dishonour Letter Template used for dishonour letter and can be modified only if field Use E-Mail Notification For Dishonour is not flagged.

2.8. On Variable Interest Update

Use this setup if you need to send notifications about variable interest update to your customers by email.

Select Financial Product if you need to configure personalised notifications for every financial product or need to skip some of the financial products from being included in notifications creation process. Select Financial product from the list. Blank value means all financial products.
Email Notification Template allows to choose specific email template for every recipient type. Refer to Email Notification Templates chapter for details.
Email Template Description is filled in automatically according to selected Email Notification Template.
Select Email Account (From) if you do not want to use standard email account for email notifications and there is a requirement to have different outgoing email address (e.g.,
Skip Applications. Flag this field if you want to skip sending notifications for applications.

2.9. On Asset Insurance Policy Expiry Date

Use this setup if you need to send asset insurance expiration notifications to your customers by email.

Select Financial Product if you need to configure personalised notifications for every financial product or need to skip some of the financial products from being included in notifications creation process. Select Financial product from the list. Blank value means all financial products.
Individual/Business can be used to configure personalised notifications separately for individual and business customers. Select All if you do not want to differentiate notifications by these criteria.
Provide comprehensive description in the field Description.
Notification Date Formula. Input date formula to send notifications a few days before asset insurance policy ending date
Notification Template Code allows to choose specific email template. Refer to Email Notification Templates chapter for details.
Select Email Account From if you do not want to use standard email account for email notifications and there is a requirement to have different outgoing email address (e.g.,
Email Send-To Type allows to choose specific recipients: Customer, Salesperson or Other.
Email Account To allows to choose specific recipient email account. Can be used only if Email Send-To Type is set to Other.

2.10. On Workflow Step / Delegation

Use this setup if you need to send notifications by email when the workflow has reached a specific step or if you need to send notifications when the workflow step was delegated to a team or an officer.

Select Workflow Template Code from the list to be able to choose Workflow Step field value.
Select Workflow Step for which you need to configure notification.
E-Mail Notif. Template Code allows you to choose specific email template. Refer to Email Notification Templates chapter for details.
Email Account (From) allows to select a certain email account from which email notifications will be sent.
Flag Notify On Workflow Step if you need to send notifications on this workflow step.
Flag Notify On Delegation if you need to send notifications when the workflow step is delegated to a team or an officer.

3. History Of Email Notifications

Open Email Notifications page to review all created and not sent yet notifications. Also, you can find notifications with sending errors here.

Open Email Notifications Archive page to review all Sent and Undelivered email notifications.

You can also review all related notifications on the:
Active Contract list or card, Archived/Closed Contract list or card pages (Related/History/Email Notifications)

Application card page (Related/Application/Email Notifications)

Quote card page (Action/Quote/Email Notifications)

Contact card page(Related/History/Email Notifications)

Contacts list page (Related/History/Email Notifications)

Posted Sales Invoice list or card pages (Related/Invoice/Email Notifications)

Posted Sales Credit Memo list or card pages (Related/Credit Memo/Email Notifications)

4. Job Queue Setup

The selected job que entries below in Job Queue Entries page are responsible for E-Mail Notifications creation and distribution. Note in Production environment time between runs should be set not lower than 10 minutes to prevent performance issues in the system.
Add codeunit 71520984 for Email Notifications creation.
Add codeunit 71520987 for Email Notifications distribution (sending).

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