Payment Schedule data fields
  • 26 Jan 2024
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Payment Schedule data fields

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Article summary


Period No. – lease period number.
Description – system generated description of the payment
Due Date – date when the payment is due.
Payment Amount – total amount to pay for the period, including lease payment and non-lease component.
Payment Amount (LCY) – total amount to pay for the period, including lease payment and non-lease component in Local currency.
Non-lease Component in Paym. – non-lease component of the payment.
Non-lease Component in Paym. (LCY) – non-lease component of the payment amount in Local currency.
VarCost1 : xxx - Variable cost field that can be imported per lease, per accounting period.

There are 5 in total Variable Costs that can be added to schedule. Shown 1. Can have additional code in heading such as Electricity in example.

Incompatible fields

Either Non-lease component or Variable Costs can be enabled at one time. This toggle is global per company.

Lease Payment Amount – payment amount of the lease.
Lease Payment Amount (LCY) – payment amount of the lease in Local currency.
Variable Lease – identification of the payment type – variable or not.
Last Repricing Date – shows the date when last repricing was compiled (for variable leases).
Value of Index – index value applied in the period.
Posted to G/L – identification mark whether the payment is already posted to the G/L.

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